Steering Committee and Group Conscience Meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:35 p.m. MST. All are invited to attend, especially if you are a home group member.
Why have a Steering Committee? Some groups have steering committees. At steering committee meetings, questions related to group practices, selecting a slate of candidates for office, and other group issues often are tackled first by the steering committee (or group service committee), which goes to the group for its members’ group conscience decision. In many cases, the officers and/or past officers make up the committee, which usually meets at regularly scheduled times. For a small group, a steering committee composed of three to five members has been found to work well. For larger groups, 12 or more members provide a better cross-section of group experience and can share the workload more easily. In some groups, a rotating committee (with members rotated on and off periodically) serves the same purpose as a steering committee.
Reference this pamphlet for more information on how to start an AA group:
Secretary will keep minutes of our group conscience and steering committee/business meetings.
Go to the sections below for PDF's of meeting minutes.
Our General Service Office (GSO) has produced an excellent pamphlet that can be accessed at:
Is Back Porch Meetings Part of the Unity Club of Loveland or 539 group? The simple answer is "No" and the reason for this relates to our tradition that reminds us that groups are autonomous. Many of the members of this group are part of and are also members of 539 group in Loveland, Colorado. There is a close relationship between the two groups and all groups in the Loveland and Northern Colorado region. We have a relationship with them but not an affiliation. Our Intergroup is AA International Online.
Are there any dues of fees for me to join? No. We do not require our members to pay dues of fees but we are self supporting through our own contributions. We have set up a 7th tradition area on the website and an announcement at meetings is made that asks for contributions.
Where would my money go if I give to the 7th tradition? The expenses for an online group are significantly less than a brick and mortar meeting or club, but there are still expenses. The website must be maintained and the zoom account must be paid and expenses such as chips and mailings may also be incurred. Tradition Six: An A.A. group ought never endorse, finance, or lend the A.A. name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, and prestige divert us from our primary purpose.